Scott and Ashley

Ashley and I

Adam and I

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I am linking today from Kelly's Korner to ask for prayer for my brother, Joel. He is a childhood survivor of ALL Leukemia. Joel is our walking miracle and was in remission for 20 years when he was diagnosed two months ago with Mylodesplacia due to chemotherapy he endured as a child. We were told in February that Joel has 6-9 months to live if he does not receive a bone marrow transplant. My brother has a rare protein in his DNA that makes it difficult to match him. We pray for peace for Joel and our family during this difficult time. We also pray for the potential transplant donors and their willingness to donate blood saving marrow. Thank you for praying for Joel. If you are interested in becoming a bone marrow donor, please visit be the
"Blessed are those who trust in the Lord. Whose confidence is in him". Jeremiah 17:7.
Posted by Laura at 10:24 AM 2 comments
Today there is supposed to be a "catastrophic" ice storm here in our state. Kind of scerrry....the hubs and I are both working from home and staying warm inside with our pups! I have seen pics from grocery stores that show no bread or milk or water left! My hope is that the electricity doesn't go out....I am hoping to take this opportunity to catch up on blogs and watch TV!
As for now, my laundry is caught up for the first time in forever and my house is clean - that in and of itself is such a treat!
I will post soon with our "scrapbook" of our trip to Chicago last week so that I can remember what we did on our week off.
Posted by Laura at 1:42 PM 0 comments
I've joined the rest of civilization and have purchased an I-Phone. I must say I am obsessed and am addicted! I am hoping that the camera and automatic syncing the phone does when plugged in my computer will help me blog more often. And while I am not having new year's resolutions, I am going to try and journal our lives on a more regular basis.
So here's to a great 2011 and more blogging in the future!
Posted by Laura at 5:26 PM 0 comments's been a long time and I've been horrible at "Scrapbooking" our lives for this blog which was my original intention!
I have also forgotten how to have an html made on flickr for a pic - so if anyone can remind me of how to do that - leave me a comment! I would greatly appreciate it!
Since the holidays, we have been staying busy but a number of great things have occurred - the hubs was promoted, I am starting a different job that will make my life SOOO much easier with my upcoming practicum in the fall, I turned in my very last 20 page paper - yahooosk!!!! - and Spring is officially here - which makes everything wonderful when it's 70 degrees outside - thank you Lord!
Attached are pics of the hubs celebrating his promotion with a red velvet cake, a picture of my friend Kia and I visiting over Christmas, and a pic of my brother and I celebrating his bday and a pic of Adam enjoying delicious Sushi for V-day!
I have this summer off so I will definitely be blogging regularly!
Posted by Laura at 12:27 PM 0 comments