's been a long time and I've been horrible at "Scrapbooking" our lives for this blog which was my original intention!
I have also forgotten how to have an html made on flickr for a pic - so if anyone can remind me of how to do that - leave me a comment! I would greatly appreciate it!
Since the holidays, we have been staying busy but a number of great things have occurred - the hubs was promoted, I am starting a different job that will make my life SOOO much easier with my upcoming practicum in the fall, I turned in my very last 20 page paper - yahooosk!!!! - and Spring is officially here - which makes everything wonderful when it's 70 degrees outside - thank you Lord!
Attached are pics of the hubs celebrating his promotion with a red velvet cake, a picture of my friend Kia and I visiting over Christmas, and a pic of my brother and I celebrating his bday and a pic of Adam enjoying delicious Sushi for V-day!
I have this summer off so I will definitely be blogging regularly!
When I share any photos that show my blue and white curtains, I'm often
asked for sources. I made all of my drapery myself, so I don't have exact