Celebrate Spring With These Easter DIYs and Decor!
Adorable spring and Easter decorating ideas.
Easy and cute ways to add some spring touches around the house with
beautiful florals and decor.
As much as...
Avara x Sugarplum Spring Edit is Here!
Bring on the spring parties and celebrations, friends, because the Avara x
Sugarplum Spring Edit is live, and you can shop…
The post Avara x Sugarplum Sp...
Favorite Florals
This jacket has to be one of my favorite pieces I’ve found from Free People
in a while. (And it’s the best seller for this month!) The way I love this
Welcome Spring Without the Bins
There are still nine days before the first official day of spring, but I’ve
already started spring-ifying and de-winterizing my house. One of the first
How To Propagate Succulents
[image: How To Propagate Succulents]
Succulents are some of the easiest houseplants to propagate because there
are several ways to do it. Today we'll show ...
New Free Frame TV Landscape Art Downloads!
This post contains affiliate links which help to support this blog. Our
Frame TV art is one of the easiest changes I can make around here when I’m
ready ...
The Perfect Paver: Backyard Reveal
This past summer we tackled our backyard. It was quite the undertaking
because we have four golden retrievers. Why did we get four golden
retrievers? Wel...
last-minute Halloween prep with Walmart!
* This post is sponsored by Walmart. All opinions are my own.*
*Thank you for supporting the brands that support this blog.*
Halloween is right around the...
Sheer Skirt + One of the Best Tailored Blazers
A fun and polished combination - styling a sheer midi skirt with one of the
best structured tailored blazers.
The post Sheer Skirt + One of the Best Tai...
Netflix’s THE GRAY MAN Parents Guide Movie Review
Netflix’s The Gray Man delivers a star-studded cast and plenty of action to
keep viewers riveted. Check out the details in my parents guide movie
Park City Utah
When we first had babies, one of my dreams was that when they each turned
13 - I wanted to take them on a special trip - just them and Scott and I.
I wa...
A Valentine’s Day Sommelier Death Match!
Happy V Day! I was hoping to post something between this dinner party and
the last one but with classes in full swing my schedule is jam-packed and
I’m exh...
DIY Rustic String Bowl
Looking for a weekend craft project that’s super satisfying? This is it!
Create a rustic string bowl with just a few supplies and a little extra
time. Y...
(That cute needlepoint was a gift from Peggy Christenson and is one of my
favorite possessions. And the sign was a gift from Andrea Hoke …it made my
life c...
you got this: sing
[image: image]
do you like to sing? as with all things, some people sing, some don’t. we
sing a lot at home– oldies songs, indie songs, preschool songs, ...
Top 10 Essential Oils
Hey friends! I get asked often what my top favorite oils are. And boy is
that hard to narrow down! But I’ve done it for you guys, and narrowed it
down to...
West Fork Park | Green Township, OH | Cincinnati
The weather yesterday was *perfect*. Not a cloud in the sky, no humidity,
mid 70s with a light breeze. A little too chilly for the pool, I decided to
Spring Cleaning the Easy Way
I've partnered with *Spot Shot Instant Carpet Stain Remover*.
The Spring Cleaning Tips are all mine!
Spring Cleaning is one of those phrases that I tend t...
My Stretching Routine
Being super active makes me super sore, I've become religious in my
recovery routine so I thought I would share my daily stretches with you
guys. I usual...
What I Wore | The End
I’ve always wondered what it would feel like to finally sit down and write
this post. The one where I tell you that I’m hanging up my figurative (and
On Being Pregnant The Third Time
I wish I could say that the third pregnancy goes by in the blink of an eye
but for me that hasn't been true. Not for me. Not thus far. I think
because ...
First Impression: St Tropez Gradual Tan
A sales lady at Sephora talked me into dropping $30 on the St. Tropez
gradual tinted tanning lotion, and I have mixed feelings about it. Let's
My Favorite Cabinet Hardware Sources
Cabinet Knobs and Pulls.... Today I am going to break down the good, the
bad & the ugly on cabinet hardware. Plus I will be sharing all of my
favorite ...
Sean at Five Months
Dear Sean,
Five months old and positively scrumptious. That’s you, in a nutshell.
Your personality continues to be “chill.” You are the epitome of the
Updated Friar Tuck: Curl Your Hair Without Heat
[image: beachy waves, curl your hair without heat, no-heat curls, easy hair
tutorials, curly hair, friar tuck hairstyle]
Three years ago--*how has it been ...
The Best Guacamole Recipe Ever!
New recipe on Kevin & Amanda Recipes today! :) For Cinco de Mayo or Taco
Tuesday, this is the BEST guacamole recipe ever!! Click the title below to
get t...
To James Walker on your first birthday
Our sweet James Walker, What a year it has been. When you were born a year
ago, we never imagined all that would happen in your first year. But we did
Asian Inspired Vintage Bassett Dresser
For sale! Asian Inspired Vintage Bassett Dresser in a high gloss black.
It’s so difficult to capture its richness and depth on camera! It’s
stunning in p...
Must Have: Loft
I'm not sure when it happened, but I basically only want to buy pants at
Loft now. Part of it is style, but the other part is that they carry petite
Quick Life Update
9 days until we fly back to the States. 6 weeks since I've updated this
blog. May be time for a little update!
- Um, pretty sure I never put any Halloween ...
Summer Hack: Maxi Skirt
[image: maxiskirthackIMAGE]
I had a few people comment on how cute my skirt was the other day, and I
just had to share this little hack with you! It's not...
A Savory, Shrimpy Summer Soup
Two things:
*1) *This is not becoming a cooking blog. Cooking, however, is one of the
"approved" physical activities that I'm cleared to do right now, so ...
Shop My Closet!
I'm doing a little Spring cleaning and decided to list some of the nicer
clothes I am parting with for sale on the blog.
Everything is in great, if not per...
Baby Boy Style
I struggled for a while with this whole baby boy thing. Not that I ever
regretted that it was a boy. I just had no idea how to dress him! Ha! And
besides t...
Friday DIY Roundup
Happy Friday! And happy Valentine's Day for tomorrow!
Whether you're in a relationship or not, whether you celebrate or not,
whether you spend the day w...
How to make a fake roman shade
So the last year threw us a bit of a curve ball and we find ourselves back
in Atlanta, in our old house, and I couldn't be happier or more thankful
about ...
Maxi Skirt – a tutorial – I love this SO much!
Y’all know from my previous post that I’m constantly scouring magazines for
of-the-moment pieces to copy…er, um…sew myself. Well, my latest project
Valentine’s Hangover
{Skirt: h&m; Shirt: f21; Boots: Hunters} Eating only cookies and candy with
a side of a dirty dr. pepper makes you feel not so great the day after. So
who ...
My Grocery Store Must Haves
I get a lot of people asking me what I eat, what I buy at the store, etc.
For ME, I typically like to stick to the perimeter of the grocery store,
the inner...
Just an update...
Popping in to say hello! Between the 500 things I have been juggling (no
seriously, can't even begin to tell you) I just wanted to take a second and
Back On Track With Life - Tips For Inspiration
At the Lifecentury, weight loss diet experts, ayurvedic doctors and
nutritionist provides a healthy diet plans. You'll find the exact latest
diet tips, art...
Scene účesy
Tak dneska tu máme pár crazy scene účesů. Ten s růžovou barvou je můj
favorit a pokud bych neměla tak blbou puritánskou práci, ihned bych do něj
šla. Pokud...
Sale Alert!
Hilltop United Methodist Children's and Maternity Consignment sale is
this Friday and Saturday! It's my favorite consignment sale of the year! If
you've ne...
Please update!
Hi Peeps,
If you're coming fashionably late to the party, I've changed switched my
blog from Blogger to Wordpress (thanks to Erin at Designer Blogs) which...
Winter Favorites
[image: winter1]
[image: winter2]
[image: winter3]
[image: winter4]
Here are some winter favorites. Winter in the midwest was absolutely
freezing and it was...
We've Moved!
We've moved over to freshly-picked.com. The feed didn't transfer to reader,
so if you only read this blog through reader, you will have to update your
Selective Hearing
I've noticed that the longer I've been married, the more I lose my hearing.
For example during a fight, my husband told me that I "needed to stop it."
tuesday: stuff under twenty
Well, hello there. How great is this diary with a little clock built in? I
like both the idea of using it actually chronicle your day and the idea of
Adam and I are newlyweds! After creating a blog for our wedding, I loved the idea so much that I've decided to continue the blog as a means to keep in contact with family and friends, and as a means to chronicle our early days together! I, Laura, am wife to Adam and "mother" to our adorable fur babies, Fischer and Frankie, who are both just 2 years old! Currently I am a case manager for at risk youth and am pursuing my MSW. I am addicted to facebook, blog "stalking", anything to do with style and fashion, and am always looking for new, quick WW recipes and nutritional meals on a budget!
It's now been official since 6.20.09!
The hubs is my hard working, hockey-playing, bean counting hunk of a hubby! He keeps this emotional social worker sane and amazes me every day with his unconditional love:) The hubs begrudgingly allows me to dress up our pups like children and blog about our random daily activites - for these reasons alone, he's a keeper! With out further ado, meet my rock....the hubs!