Wow! Where did the week go? For starters, I made 3 really nummy recipes this week (actually last Sunday and Monday) - chili bake, low mein, and chocolate cupcakes from Green Lite Bites. They were sooo good! I took the cupcakes over to a friend's for dinner and they were a big hit! They are also super easy to make - a can of pumpkin, some water and a fudge cake mix. Easy + low points = fabulous in my book! While I was in the kitchen Adam gave the babies a "spa day". I had to post a pic because I do think they are the most adorable little things (and yes, I know they are dogs!). Frankie as usual sat there like the most precious little princess while little man was squirming every single minute - which is why Adam gets that job - they listen to him far better than I!
Weight watchers weigh in was today and I lost 2 lbs.! I have a long way to go but it was a great feeling because I have never felt deprived this week and had many treats within reason (aahem - Ritter's lite custard/yogurt, anyone? Sooo good!). Tonight we are going out to dinner but I feel like I am on a roll and will make good choices!
Everyone have a great weekend!
Spring Sweater
I love a neutral for spring (well actually year round) and this sweater
perfectly matches my want list in a sweater. It’s easy to wear and pair
with deni...
Wow! You are a cooking machine (making 3 new recipes = cooking machine in my house :-). I love Roni's blog. Congrats on the -2! Oh, frozen custard would be so dangerous for me! lol
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